Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Best Advice

My Number 1 goal is to finish writing a book.  A while ago, I reviewed and edited the first part of the book.  I was ready to show it to someone who could read it and let me know how the book was going.  I was not expecting all the changes he suggested!  He had a lot of questions, so apparently the first few chapters needed some editing to make the story clearer.  I reviewed and edited again, and then again.  I added a few more chapters and edited again.  Then, I was ready, and I showed it to someone else to get another opinion of the book up to that point.

Oh my goodness. He had so many suggestions, it was clear that he thought the book needed lots of editing.  I was so discouraged.  How much more editing will it take?  I put the book aside for weeks.  I felt I couldn’t go on with more chapters until I had gone back and edited the first part all over again.  If I continued editing the first part of the book again, I felt that the story would go in a different direction and it would not say what I wanted it to say.

I told my sister about my discouragement.  She cautioned me about showing anyone my draft chapters until I was ready to have someone edit the book.  She said, “Never give your unfinished manuscript to someone to read just to see what they think.  Wait until the book is published… then give it to people to read, and they’ll just read it and enjoy it!”

I immediately understood the wisdom of her advice.  I looked down and shook my head.  How could I have been so short-sighted?  How could I possibly think that it would be a good idea to give out my draft chapters for casual editing?  If someone knows that the chapters are in draft form, of course they will want to suggest changes!  And everyone’s changes will be different.

Thankfully, I am back to the book and I have resolved not to let anyone read it until I am ready for an experienced editor to read the book.  For now, I am very relieved to take back control over my book and the editing process!

I am sharing this advice from my sister because it has really helped to bring my writing journey into clear focus.  Her advice is helping me to stay true to the purpose of my book as well as my own style.  Also, because one of the main purposes of “Goal Setter’s Journey” is to share my experience of writing my first book, I wanted to share this “best advice” from my sister, who has already published a book.  I believe it will help you if you are working on a book or plan to write a book some day!

As we move forward in 2017, stay focused on your own goals and your path, and evaluate your progress.  Don’t lose heart.  Instead, give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge all you have accomplished.  And remember, we still have five months to achieve our 2017 goals!

I’m keeping up with my goal of memorizing Bible verses.  Below are some verses about the reality of the greatness of God, written here from memory:

Isaiah 55:8-11 (NIV):

8-  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
      neither are your ways my ways,”
      declares the Lord.
9-  “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
      so are my ways higher than your ways
      and my thoughts than your thoughts.
10- As the rain and the snow come down from heaven,
      and do not return to it without watering the earth
      and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields
      seed for the sower and bread for the eater,
11- so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
      It will not return to me empty,
      but will accomplish what I desire
      and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

      (Emphasis added.)


I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.  Psalm 130:5


Lord, we believe your Word and acknowledge your greatness today.  We take time today to focus on you and acknowledge the fact that you are our Creator!  You have revealed yourself to us through your Word.  Your wisdom far outweighs our own.  We pray for YOUR wisdom today as we seek to follow your will and spread your Word to those who have ears to hear.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

© 2017 Linda Lijewski

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