Sunday, April 24, 2016

Goals Can Be Fun

There is something very satisfying about taking steps to reach a goal.  You feel as if you are in control, finally, of something that you have been wanting to do.  And, you know if you keep going, you will accomplish it!  That is a great feeling.  You breathe in deeply and say to yourself, "I can do it!"  That's why I believe in problem-solving techniques, which are really the same as goal-setting techniques.  As you identify the problem or goal and the resources you need to tackle it, and the steps, no matter how small, that you can begin to take right away, well... something happens.  Your attitude changes from discouragement (you can't seem to tackle a problem and you don't know where to start) to encouragement (you found a way to solve the problem and you have taken the first step)!  When your attitude changes, your motivation increases!

Of course, goals are not just things we do to solve problems.  They are accomplishments we work hard to achieve... the Master's Degree, the published book, the marathon, the new start-up company!  Time goes by so fast... you're going to be 50 next year.  Why not turn 50 and accomplish your goal?  If you are going to be 50 anyways, you might as well be 50 and have a Master's Degree!

So, I have begun writing my book.  I did a lot of "set-up" work.  First, I met with a lawyer a few weeks ago about some legal questions I had about writing and publishing.  Then I started writing down ideas and character names.  It's hard to get started unless you have your characters established.  I know that I need to map out my chapters and create a spreadsheet of my characters.  But, it really seemed that the "set-up" work would never end... it could just go on and on.  When would I actually start writing?  I kept putting it off until I would have everything perfectly set, ready for the book to begin.

Enough of that!  I sat down at my computer yesterday and starting writing the first chapter.  It poured out of me!  Oh, what a relief!  I finished the first chapter and I thought, this is what it feels like to have something in your heart and you pour it out into a document!  I couldn't wait to write the second chapter.  So, late last night, I wrote the second chapter.  I am ready to begin the third chapter!  It is so gratifying and so exciting!  I knew deep down in my heart that, as soon as I would start writing, the book would pour out of me.  My enthusiasm and motivation are increasing with every step I take!

I'm sure I have no idea of the challenges ahead as I write this book, but it sure feels great to see my words come alive in the document on the computer.  Some day soon, I will see my book published!  That is my goal, and it feels really good to work towards accomplishing it.  The fun has begun, and it is giving me a renewed purpose!  I'm happy to say I am enjoying the process!  I hope you, too, are enjoying working towards accomplishing your goals!


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6


Lord, we trust you to take us on our goal journeys.  We ask for wisdom each day as we face challenges and new adventures.  Help us to enjoy life, enjoy the day that you have given to us, and enjoy our relationship with you.  Today, help us to see new things in your creation and appreciate you in new ways.  We acknowledge you as our Creator, and we will keep our hearts focused on you as we move along on the paths you have set for us to take.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

© 2016 Linda Lijewski

Sunday, April 10, 2016

10 Minutes A Day

One of my all-time favorite movies is "Rudy," based on the true story of a young man whose dream was to play football at Notre Dame.  When he finally decided to make his dream come true, he took the first step:  he got on a bus to South Bend, Indiana.  That was a life-changing decision.  He didn't necessarily know all the steps that would come next, but at least he was heading in the right direction... to Notre Dame!

If you have identified your goal and you need some encouragement to "get on the bus," I recommend that you read the first six chapters of the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament.  Nehemiah was cupbearer to the King of Persia.  God put the plans in Nehemiah's heart to rebuild the wall surrounding Jerusalem.  This was an enormous goal, but with prayer and planning, and then a bold request to his boss, King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah secured the King's permission and support, and he headed to Jerusalem.  Nehemiah shared his plan with the Jewish leaders, who agreed to help him rebuild the wall.  Brick by brick, and with God's protection against the strong opposition of their enemies, Nehemiah and the Jewish people rebuilt the gates and the entire wall surrounding the city of Jerusalem.

My goals cannot be compared to the story of Nehemiah.  However, my "10 minutes a day" approach is a concept similar to building a wall, "brick by brick."  I need to take bite-size steps when moving toward a goal.  If the steps are too big, I am inclined to procrastinate, telling myself that I don't have time today, so maybe I'll get to it tomorrow.  Guess what happens the next day?  I still don't have time!  But, if I plan on just 10 minutes, then I will do it, and chances are, I probably will spend 20 or 30 minutes or more (e.g., exercising).

If you can find 10 minutes in a day, then you can do SOMETHING!  You will exercise on the elliptical, you will clean that closet, and you will write that book!  Little by little, brick by brick, you move in the direction of accomplishing your goal.  Also, if you lapse for a few days, just tell yourself you only need 10 minutes to get started again.  That simple rule makes it easier to resume your plan toward your goal!


So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.  When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.  Nehemiah 6:15-16


Lord, our dreams may seem impossible in our own minds, but nothing is impossible with you.  Please strengthen our faith to see that our dreams come from you.  We ask for your help to take small steps, just 10 minutes a day, to move toward accomplishing our goals.  We are inspired by Nehemiah, and we, too, pray boldly that you would grant us success!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

© 2016 Linda Lijewski

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Goals 101

Could someone show me how to plug in my laptop?  When I brought my new laptop home two weeks ago, I opened the box and pulled out the cords that were neatly coiled in the package.  I looked at both cords, studied the ends and the box-shaped pieces, and looked at the numerous openings on the sides of my laptop.  I read the entire instruction booklet, and there was absolutely no reference to plugging in the cord.  I laughed out loud.  I can't believe it.  I bought this expensive laptop, they helped me set everything up in the store, but they didn't tell me the most basic piece of information... how do you plug it in??  I called my stepson, Ryan, and asked for help.  He walked me through the "plug-in" process so I could get started using my laptop!

Well, I don't want to make that mistake with this blog.  The mission of "Goal Setter's Journey" is to help readers take steps to reach their goals, as I share my journey of writing my first book.  However, it occurs to me that some readers don't have goals or they do not know how to set goals.  So, let's talk about the basics of goal setting, or "Goals 101."

First, I recommend that you ask yourself, what do I want to accomplish in my lifetime?  Do I want to get married?  Have children?  Travel to Ireland?  Start an art hobby?  Write a book?  Run a marathon?  Clean my basement?  Pay off my debt?  Grow closer to God?  Maybe your goal is a short-term one, such as solving a problem at home or at work.

Next, take a sheet of paper and draw three vertical columns.  In the far left column, write down your goals, as many as you want.  In the middle column, write down the resources you need to reach the goal (leave it blank if you do not have that information).  In the third column, write down one small step you can take immediately to move toward the goal.  For example, years ago I had a goal of starting an art hobby.  I had just received a beading book from a friend, so I decided that my first small step would be a trip to the bead store.  That weekend, I bought the supplies I needed to begin beading.  Within four weeks, I had organized a limited liability company and I began selling custom-made jewelry.  Within a few short months, I was selling my jewelry in a few local boutiques.

Another goal I have is to take a trip to Ireland.  So, the middle column includes the cost of the trip.  My first small step toward the goal was to open a bank account and deposit a certain amount per paycheck to save for the trip.  I continue to save, and soon I will be able to take my trip to Ireland!

Use your imagination!  Dig deep into your soul!  Remember, you are much more likely to reach your goal if you actually know what it is!  You may even exceed your own expectations!


Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31


Lord, some readers may be searching their hearts for their own personal goals.  I pray that you will lead them to recognize their deepest dreams and desires.  Help them to put their goals on paper.  Help them to identify what resources they need and what they can do to move toward their goals.  I pray for strength for those who are earnestly seeking your will and who may be discouraged.  Please bless them, Lord, with encouragement and a clear vision to set their goals.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

© 2016 Linda Lijewski