Monday, April 30, 2018

Turn It Around

Last week, I gave a presentation on “Growth Mindset.”  This has been in the forefront of my mind.  I am realizing more and more that “growth” vs. “fixed” mindset applies to everything in our lives!  (For more on "Mindset," see my blogpost dated 6/28/16.)

Below are some simple examples:

•  I was at the grocery store yesterday, and I began complaining in my mind about not finding everything on my list.  I stopped myself immediately!  I turned around my mindset, and I made the choice to be thankful that I have a grocery store to go to, and that it is stocked with food.  That is not the case in many areas of the world.  How can I possibly complain??

•  Six months ago, I had tooth pain and I had to go to a specialist to take care of an abscess in the root.  I thought, Oh, why do I have to go through this!  It’s going to be so painful!  When I recognized my self-pity, I decided to turn around my mindset, and I made the choice to be thankful that there are specialists who can take care of the problem.  And, I was amazed that there was absolutely no pain and I actually dozed off during the procedure!

•  Tonight my husband and I went to our favorite restaurant where we always have great service and sit in a booth by the windows.  This time, however, even though the restaurant was almost completely empty, the hostess sat us at a table right next to the kitchen, instead of giving us one of the beautiful window tables.  I opened my mouth to say something, but my husband said to the hostess, “This is fine, thank you.”  I wanted to gripe about the noise coming from the kitchen, but I decided to go ahead and take the table we were given.  (We enjoyed our dinner, no matter what table we had!)

I’ve learned that “mindset” applies not only to big areas of our lives where we should push beyond our perceived limitations, but it applies as well (and just as importantly) to the smaller things in life, like an ongoing bad attitude about less-than-stellar service at restaurants or other daily experiences that don’t meet our high expectations.

I am applying this whole concept of “turning it around” to everything that I want to change in my life.  If my goal-setting approach is not working, or if I am facing a challenging situation or problem with no sign of change, I will flip it over, turn it around, and do an “about face” in order to tackle it from a different angle.  I have found that this decision gives me a different perspective and allows me to expand my mind to come up with other possible solutions.  Sometimes, turning it around is the only way!

One last story.  Last week, I found myself thinking, “I wish I were taller.  If I were taller, these sleeves would fit!”  On Saturday morning, I began thinking the same thing, “I wish I were taller.”  Later that morning, I was listening to the radio and I heard a children’s story about a little animal who complained that he was too small.  Of course, he learned a lesson about God creating him and having a purpose for him just as he is.  The little animal also learned that things much smaller than he is accomplish great things (e.g., a bumblebee)!

I laughed out loud because I knew that God wanted me to hear that children’s story.  I will never again complain about being short.  I turned around my mindset, and I appreciate my Creator and thank Him for creating me just as I am.

Now is the time for gratitude, rather than self-pity.  Now is the time to make a change in mindset if something is not working well for you, or your perspective is limiting you from accomplishing what you want to accomplish.  The more you “turn it around” and make a decision to do something differently or think differently about something, the easier it gets, and a new mindset sets in.
That is a key strategy to change our mindset.  Take the time, little by little, choice by choice, to turn it around!


Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.  Romans 8:5 (NIV)


Lord, you are teaching me so much about mindset and helping me to see areas of my life that need to change.  I believe that you want gratitude, rather than griping, and I need to change my mindset in the small things, not just the big things in life.  Forgive me for griping about insignificant things and help me daily to recognize it and turn it around.  I want your will, not my own, and that is the biggest mindset change of all!  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

© 2018 Linda Lijewski